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Tips From Dr. Volstad for Daily Neuropathy Management

Written By Volstad Integrated Wellness on May 6, 2024

a woman sitting on sofa feeling pain in her foot at home

Living with neuropathy can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if neuropathy symptoms are affecting your ability to work, exercise, sleep, and spend time with friends and family. At Volstad Integrated Wellness, our chiropractor, Dr. Keith Volstad, has extensive experience evaluating and treating neuropathy symptoms. Dr. Volstad and his team can assess your lifestyle, work and home environments, diet, and habits to design a personalized treatment plan that manages your neuropathy symptoms and offers relief through chiropractic care in Jupiter, FL. Here are Dr. Volstad’s tips for daily neuropathy management. 

Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is the leading cause of peripheral neuropathy. Managing your diabetes can reduce neuropathy symptoms and prevent further nerve damage. If you do not manage your diabetes, you risk permanent nerve damage, chronic neuropathy symptoms, and an inability to walk or move around freely and easily.

Take Care of Your Feet

If you have diabetes or neuropathy symptoms, it’s crucial that you take care of your feet every day. You should check your feet every morning and every evening for cuts, rashes, irritation, blisters, or calluses. You should always wear socks or compression stockings in the house, and wear padded shoes or orthopedic shoes outside of the house. You should never go barefoot outside.

Maintain a Healthy Diet and Exercise Routine

A healthy diet and exercise routine is key when you have neuropathy or diabetes. Eating a healthy diet will give your body the vitamins, nutrients, and fuel it needs to fight off illness and maintain bodily functions. Regular exercise can reduce neuropathy symptoms and improve your overall strength and endurance, which will lower your risk of fall or injury. Exercise also lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol, improves heart function, and helps you control blood sugar levels. 

Stop Smoking and Avoid Alcohol

Smoking can increase your risk of health issues and worsen neuropathy symptoms. Dr. Volstad can help you find resources to quit smoking. You should also avoid excessive alcohol use. Alcohol can worsen neuropathy symptoms, increase blood pressure, and increase your risk of a fall or injury.

Monitor Your Blood Sugar Levels

If your neuropathy is caused by diabetes, you must monitor your blood sugar levels throughout the day. Keeping your blood sugar under control can lower your risk of neuropathy symptoms and future nerve damage.

Get Neuropathy Treatment in Jupiter, FL

Don’t suffer through your neuropathy symptoms for one more day. Visit us at Volstad Integrated Wellness for chiropractic neuropathy treatment today. Dr. Volstad and his team will assess your symptoms, lifestyle, and overall health to design a highly individualized treatment plan. Our goal is to relieve symptoms, improve function and mobility, and enhance your overall health and quality of life. Request an appointment to get started. 

Posted In: Neuropathy