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Navigating Neuropathy With Laser Technology

Written By Volstad Integrated Wellness on March 6, 2024

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While there is no cure for neuropathy, a chiropractor can help you find lasting, drug-free relief from neuropathy symptoms. At Volstad Integrated Wellness, our chiropractor, Dr. Keith Volstad, has decades of experience diagnosing, evaluating, and treating neuropathy symptoms. He can design a personalized treatment plan for neuropathy in Jupiter, FL, that includes chiropractic care and laser therapy for neuropathy. Laser therapy is a safe, effective, nonsurgical treatment option that addresses the root cause of your neuropathy symptoms rather than temporarily masking them with prescription medications. 

What Is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is a medical condition that occurs when nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are damaged. These nerves are called peripheral nerves and are part of the peripheral nervous system rather than the central nervous system. The symptoms you experience will depend on which nerves are damaged and how badly they are damaged. Neuropathy can be caused by an infection, medical condition, exposure to toxins, inherited causes, traumatic injury, and diabetes. The most common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are a stabbing, burning, or itching pain that travels from one part of the body to another, combined with numbness, tingling, loss of balance, and loss of muscle control.

How Can You Get a Neuropathy Diagnosis?

You should visit Dr. Volstad as soon as you notice any symptoms of neuropathy, especially if you have developed tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain in your hands or feet. Dr. Volstad will evaluate your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and overall health, and run diagnostic testing to confirm a diagnosis of neuropathy.

What Is Laser Therapy for Neuropathy?

Laser therapy is a nonsurgical neuropathy treatment option. Laser therapy uses low-level laser light to penetrate soft tissue at the targeted treatment area. As the laser light enters the skin, it triggers a biological response in the body that stimulates the healing process, jumpstarts nerve and cell regeneration, and accelerates healing of muscle and soft tissues. Laser therapy can relieve neuropathy symptoms like nerve pain, inflammation, loss of range of motion, and mobility problems. Laser therapy is painless and requires no downtime or recovery time. It is medication free and non-invasive, and most people notice symptom relief after three or four treatments.

Find Relief From Neuropathy Symptoms in Jupiter, FL

If you have neuropathy symptoms that are affecting your ability to live a happy, healthy life, our team at Volstad Integrated Wellness can help. Dr. Volstad and his team will evaluate your symptoms and lifestyle to create a personalized chiropractic neuropathy treatment plan. We will use chiropractic care to relieve your symptoms, improve function and mobility, and enhance your overall wellness and quality of life. We specialize in chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, functional medicine, laser therapy, whole body vibration, and magnetic resonance therapy. Request an appointment today. 

Posted In: Neuropathy